Thoughts on Writing Music for Film

I love the collaboration of scoring music to picture. It’s fun and challenging. Each film is a new puzzle that needs solving. The answer is always there, but not always obvious. I’ve learned with patience and listening, it reveals itself.

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“I like beautiful melodies telling me terrible things.”

Tom Wait

Tom Waits

Thoughts on Writing Music for Film


My process is a constant dialog between the macro and the details. I begin in the big picture world: Who are the characters and what do they sound like? What is the story about? Does it need a heavy-handed score or something more subtle? I get a sense of the world the music needs to inhabit. Then I sketch out big ideas, themes, motifs—maybe they are used, maybe they’re a springboard. I talk with the filmmaker to better understand their vision and we make decisions around language, texture, color and pacing. This early phase is probably the most challenging, because getting it wrong here means a lot of wasted time later.

Next comes the micro phase where decisions come down to when to let the music flourish or when to barely have it audible. Maybe a dramatic crescendo, maybe a playful counterpoint. Whatever the scene needs. I always think to songwriting when I’m scoring to film. In writing a song the goal is to create music that does not impede or obscure the singer and the lyrics. In the same way film music must seamlessly flow with the scene it’s set against. It is an accompaniment; when it’s done well the scene can sing freely.

Find more music here.

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Kind Words

It has been an honor and pleasure to work alongside some very talented people.
I am grateful for all we have been able to accomplish together.

Zeus Kontoyannis

I’ve known Rolando from quite a while and it was more recently that we finally worked together. When I presented him with the film that was to be our first director-composer collaboration I had a complete blank on what the score would be. This man knew from the beginning and it was, very simply put, flawless. Rolando possess the gift of creative innovation and it results in magic every single time. There’s a seamless, rhythmic and awesome artistic vibe you feel when you work with him and when you hear his music. It brings you so much joy to hear it all come to life. He is an exceptional maestro, and a great friend too.

Zeus Kontoyannis

Victor Verhaeghe

He got the humor, the pace, the tone and added his own spin on the music to help me tell my story. I think one of the main reasons this film is so well received is due to the musical composition of Rolando Gori.

Victor Verhaeghe

Eunice Levis

Rolando created the most beautiful film score I’ve ever had in a film.  What I loved most about working with him is his commitment to elevating visual themes and key moments.

Eunice Levis

Director — Zeus Pic
Morgan Neville

I asked Rolando to compose a piece of music meant to feel like a classic film for a Woody Allen project. His sophistication and skill brought the scene to life. Rolando is up there with the great contemporary film composers in his abilities and creativity. Every time I play the sequence with his music I am blown away. He is New York’s hidden jewel!

Morgan Neville

Brian O'Neill

Rolando’s scoring achieves that rare trifecta of balance form and energy. He is as skilled with smaller moments as he is with big, bold action, and never fails to create a unique, unexpected and vibrant soundscape.

He also produced my first solo album, Free World, with such a masterful ear that and light touch, and I couldn’t be happier with the result. His contributions to the vocal and instrumental arrangements, compositional ideas and, perhaps most especially, his knowing when to say “enough”, helped to make our time in the studio the most satisfying recording experience of my life.

Brian Hugh O'Neill


Rolando’s unique skills in music composition elevated the project to another level which I did not think was possible.

Roy T. Anderson

Producer/Documentary Filmmaker

I’ve never worked with a composer that ever came close to Rolando. More talent, more skill… it doesn’t mater what you are looking for: this is your guy.

Jeremy Ward


Recent project work

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